NGUOCamplify is a series of leadership bootcamps and youthcamps to connect Vietnamese and Southeast Asian young aspiring leaders, inspire and provide knowledge of applicable soft skills and Southeast Asian missions. NGUOCamplìy aims to bridge the education gap among students, especially the lack of self-development opportunities and knowledge about regional/global issues, by empowering youngsters through experiential learning, co-creating and interactive activities. This high-intensity training model takes place within 1-2 days, providing knowledge and skills related to leadership and multi-ethnic culture. Targeting youngsters aged from 16-25 years old, it is our goal to train local staff, empower youth leaders, and motivate youngsters during our 5 events each year.

In Asian education, lessons and activities at schools are mostly teacher-centered, test-oriented and theory-based, which allows students little space to speak out and develop soft skills. A study by the Viet Nam Education Institute found 83 per cent of new graduates lack soft skills. Out of every 2,000 job applicants, only 40 have both the technical and soft skills required.
Meanwhile, current soft skills training programs in Vietnam are mainly held by private organizations, merely available in urban cities and consequently, the education disparity among students in Vietnam is further widened.
Vietnamese youth generally feel well-supported by their local communities, yet also feel disconnected from larger, national issues. In one research by the British Council, only one-third of urban respondents feel involved in planning and decision making in their community (27 per cent), while only slightly more feel that their opinions are valued in the community (35 per cent). The situation is proved to be even worse in underprivileged areas, such as mountainous and rural regions.
Urged by this situation, NGUOCamp is dedicated to creating an open space that facilitates soft skills acquisition, co-creation and youth empowerment among youngsters.

Basically, each camp is designed with connecting, introspection, and group activities for campers to grasp new knowledge on their own and in exchange groups. At pre-event, the participants are sent and required to adhere to a Culture set (as specified in the Other documents section) that includes smiling, interactive and proactive culture. Compared to passive, one-directional learning, NGUOCamp focuses on interactive learning, requiring every camper to respond to the content, voice up their opinions, listen to each other and get inspired. Besides leadership skills, our campers also learn about the culture and problems in other provinces and countries in order to broaden their perspectives and inspire them with new initiatives by youngsters across the world.

"Nhà Không Nhựa" Event Series
"Nhà Không Nhựa" (No-plastic house) aims to protect the environment through the series of "workshop - exhibition - reportage / magazine - building action groups (LOOKUP MODEL)" on reducing and recycling plastic waste according to 3Rs - Reduce - Reuse - Recycle rules (Reduce - Recycle - Reuse).
Heal Yourself to Heal the World
NGƯỚC KEY INITIATIVES officially launched WORKSHOP “HEAL YOURSELF TO HEAL THE WORLD” with our inspirational speakers:
Ms. Bùi Mỹ Nhật – leader of GREEN RIVER VIETNAM
Ms. Fithriyyah Iskandar - founder of Asia-Pacific Climate Project - The Asia-Pacific Climate Project
Ms. Shaleeca Myrah V. Sali - Ecosystems Management Specialist
The workshop successfully occurred with the delicate hosting from Host Nam Anh and Ngọc Minh. We can’t forget to mention the enthusiasm accompanied by nearly 70 participants across Vietnam.
The online version of the magazine “HEAL TO HEAL” is ready for your discovery here
Pastries - $4
Butter Croissant - $2.5
Coffee/Tea - $1
Fresh Juice - $2
FIELD TRIP: Untold Stories About...

“In every walk with Nature, one receives far more than he seeks.”
- John Muir -

The popular presence of handicraft products is a testament to the strong development of craft village traditions in Vietnam. But, besides these bigger profits, we are witnessing a great change in the environment and bad changes to the quality of life.
Understanding and understanding their own role, NGUOC KEY INITIATIVES are determined to make these "truths" like an alarm bell, alerting everyone to the need to be responsible as well as respect the nature around us.

Upcoming Events
- Time is TBDHà Nội
- Thu, Jan 06Registration Form
Meet The Team
Ms. Mai Linh Hong Anh
Co-founder & Project Leader
Hi everyone, I'm Mai Linh Hong Anh (Anwen), I'm very honored to be one of the founding members and developers of the NGUOCamplify project, be a young person who had experience working in a non-profit organization, I realized that young people need many soft skills, knowledge and more than that, proactive about regional, national and global issues in particular. That is also one of the reasons why we created the NGUOCamplify project. Through a series of leadership programs of NGUOCamplify , young people will have experience learning , build skills and connect to other young people to create values. for the community.

Ms. Harlyn Tran Minh Huyen
Co-founder & Project Advisor
A keen supporter of educational equity and civic engagement activities who held 4 leadership bootcamps across Vietnam...
She is an energetic youngster who is working towards educational equity and civic engagement activities. Despite her background as a International Business student, she still strives to take part in community activities aiming to bridge the education gap among students, especially those in rural areas and urban ones

Ms. Ashley Kho
Academic Advisor
Ashley is a Cognitive Science graduate who delights in exploring the outdoors, learning new cultures and is an active advocate for environmental protection. As one of the founding members of Sarawak Eco-Warriors, she hopes to educate and inspire local communities to love and conserve nature.
She has vast experience in youth leadership programs and cross-cultural volunteerism in the United States, Australia and Thailand. She was also selected for the YSEALI Academic Fellowship on Environmental Issues and Natural Resource Management in 2018.
Apart from that, she is also serving as the Head of the Environmental Task Force at UNAM Youth. She believes in empowering youths to work together and create a more sustainable future together.

Mr. Wisnu Efendi
Academic Advisor
My name is Wisnu Efendi, I am from Jakarta, Indonesia. Now, I am working in the government sector as a customs officer in Indonesia. Customs in Indonesia is below the Ministry of Finance. I really excited to meet all mentees in this program, hope we can share knowledge and experience together and make a new relation with everyone all over the world especially in Southeast Asia. My hobby is traveling and taking pictures (photography) so if I can be ur mentor in real life maybe we can meet in person someday at your place. I usually watch movies and be in the organization as much as I can.

Ms. Adila Ilma
Academic Advisor
My name is Adila Ilma. I am currently a final-year law student at the University of Indonesia specializing in public international law. I am passionate in international and ASEAN affairs, especially about youth empowerment and media literacy.
I am very excited to hear about the amazing ideas of the NGUOC Empowerment Program 2021 finalists. I expect that the program’s brilliant participants will deliver well-targeted, relevant, and impactful projects that will contribute positively to their community and ASEAN.