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“NGUOCInternational” is an international project with 3 key pillars: Climate Change, Sex Education, and Gender Issues for Southeast Asia youngsters. 

Our mission is to render international problems into personal ones through realistic perspectives of different people who have diverse kinds of stories related to our 3 key topics. Moreover, we will provide people with fresher and deeper understanding via not only cooperating with domestic and international organizations and clubs, but also participants’ ideas and artworks.

NGUOCInternational is an international platform with three key pillars: Climate Change, Sex Education, and Gender Issues for the Southeast Asia Youth to not only show off their artistic skills but also express their initiatives and viewpoints on Social Justice Promotion through digital media, visual arts, and environment-friendly materials. NGUOCInternational includes two phases of a virtual art competition, one virtual international workshop, and one regional exhibition. We envision that NGUOCInternational would offer an excellent insight into controversial problems for 500,000+ people and empower finalists to implement future projects delivering meaningful messages of Social Justice to the world.

CLIMATE CHANGE, SEX EDUCATION, and GENDER ISSUES are the most urgent aspects of Social Justice that we would like to concentrate on. With CLIMATE CHANGE, in 2019 The World Bank has singled out Vietnam as one of six countries most severely affected by climate change. VNExpress, a Vietnamese newspaper, published that this country suffered 226 extreme events in 1999-2018 with a death toll of 285 and losses of more than $2 billion per year. About SEX EDUCATION and GENDER ISSUES: Vietnam has the highest abortion rate in Asia (an average of 2.5 abortions per woman). Each year, there are over 300,000 officially-reported abortions, 64,5% of which is for adolescents’ unprotected sex. In 2020, Human Rights Watch has released a report which worried that pervasive myths about sexual orientation and gender identity in Vietnam can lead to violence and discrimination on relating youth. With international exchanges among ASEAN youngsters through a creative and inspirational form of communication: “art initiatives”, we strongly believe that the youth will get wider and deeper perspectives about burning issues; afterward spread positive values and turn ambitions into realistic actions for our community.  

NGUOCInternational also creates an ideal opportunity for youngsters to make their creative and artistic skills be appreciated and enhanced. Moreover, their creations are believed to bring out a more comprehensive understanding and inspire people through graphic arts instead of complicated statistics and facts as usual. Then not only their awareness would be fostered but also responsibility could be shouldered. TMoreover, SJP will be run every year with topics relating to “Social Justice Promotion”. We hope that our project could call for a drastic change in countries’ policy of gender equality, sex education, and climate change such as legalizing same-sex marriage, offering sex education courses in secondary/high schools in Vietnam, or accompanying projects to fight for a healthy and pleasant environment.



"Nhà Không Nhựa" Event Series

"Nhà Không Nhựa" (No-plastic house) aims to protect the environment through the series of "workshop - exhibition - reportage / magazine - building action groups (LOOKUP MODEL)" on reducing and recycling plastic waste according to 3Rs - Reduce - Reuse - Recycle rules (Reduce - Recycle - Reuse).

 Heal Yourself to Heal the World 

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“In every walk with Nature, one receives far more than he seeks.”

-  John Muir -

NGƯỚC KEY INITIATIVES officially launched WORKSHOP “HEAL YOURSELF TO HEAL THE WORLD” with our inspirational speakers:
  • Ms. Bùi Mỹ Nhật – leader of GREEN RIVER VIETNAM
  • Ms. Fithriyyah Iskandar - founder of Asia-Pacific Climate Project - The Asia-Pacific Climate Project
  • Ms. Shaleeca Myrah V. Sali - Ecosystems Management Specialist
The workshop successfully occurred with the delicate hosting from Host Nam Anh and Ngọc Minh. We can’t forget to mention the enthusiasm accompanied by nearly 70 participants across Vietnam.

The online version of the magazine “HEAL TO HEAL” is ready for your discovery here
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Pastries - $4

Butter Croissant - $2.5

Coffee/Tea - $1

Fresh Juice - $2

FIELD TRIP: Untold Stories About...

The popular presence of handicraft products is a testament to the strong development of craft village traditions in Vietnam.  But, besides these bigger profits, we are witnessing a great change in the environment and bad changes to the quality of life.


Understanding and understanding their own role, NGUOC KEY INITIATIVES are determined to make these "truths" like an alarm bell, alerting everyone to the need to be responsible as well as respect the nature around us.


Meet The Team


Ms. Ha Minh Ngoc (Anne)
Co-founder & Project Leader

A responsible and ambitious citizen who always tries to explore, develop herself and this wonderful world. She used to do a lot of volunteering work wholeheartedly supporting vulnerable people. Now, with the mission of promoting people’s awareness worldwide about complicated social problems, NGUOC with us established NGUOC International Exchange and Exhibits – Global SJP. In  2022, with 3 key pillars Climate Change, Gender Issues, and Sex Education, we expect that thousands of artworks from international citizens will be sent to us and create significant impacts in the first year of launching...

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Ms. Tran Ngoc Bao Tram
Project Coordinator

Nelson Mandela said: “Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world”. And to me, Education has actually changed my “world” with the wide range of knowledge I have been exposed to, fantastic people I have met and all the wonderful things I have experienced. Therefore, I desire to contribute to the Education field and I also have meaningful memories with my passion. 

I had taught Indian children virtually within one month in the AIESEC Leadership Development Experience project in 2020. Besides that, I have taught Catholic children voluntarily...


Ms. Mai Huyen Trang (Xavia)
Project Coordinator

“Three drivers of value creation: One was efficiency, one was effectiveness, and one was experiencing. All of them matter, but what he tried to argue is that experience is gaining in importance when it comes to creating value for customers” The quality of the certificate? Not so great. The experience? Fantastic!

NGUOCInternational is an international platform with three key pillars: Climate Change, Gender Issues, and Sex Education for Southeast Asia Youth especially for Vietnamese (teams/organizations…). If you are looking for an opening educational environment: Social Justice Promotion where saves your fresh experiences, WE ARE YOUR BEST CHOICE!

Our Advisors


Mr. Mohammed Redwan Chowdhury Bangladesh

Mohammed Redwan Chowdhury is currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in the field of economics from the American International University Bangladesh. He had the privilege to work, with the largest underprivileged community of his country,
on a project that expands education from primary to secondary levels with lower cost and better technology. It changed the lives of 300+ deprived students, which
had a positive domino effect on public welfare. Simultaneously he is also working
with various youth platforms such as speaker corner and think content. He is an
alternative economist in university hours and a teacher as well as a content creator in personal time. His biggest dream is to see a world with social justice
and without the existence of Pareto optimality.


Ms. Ahsley Kho

Ashley is a Cognitive Science graduate who delights in exploring the outdoors, learning new cultures and is an active advocate for environmental protection. As one of the founding members of Sarawak Eco-Warriors, she hopes to educate and inspire local communities to love and conserve nature.
She has vast experience in youth leadership programs and cross-cultural volunteerism in the United States, Australia and Thailand. She was also selected for the YSEALI Academic Fellowship on Environmental Issues and Natural Resource Management in 2018.    
Apart from that, she is also serving as the Head of the Environmental Task Force at UNAM Youth. She believes in empowering youths to work together and create a more sustainable future together.


Short quote: "I believe that youths have the ability to work together and empower each other to create a better future for all."

Do let me know if there is anything else that you might need from me.


Ms. Zea Anne Denise Go Philippines

For several years, I have been a student leader and a journalist who pioneered the organization of different events in my previous institutions, and have written and edited for publications. I have joined multiple research and socio-political conventions- both local and international and have organized several competitions myself. I have invested my time in pursuit of these different events, activities and positions as I always aspire to utilize my platforms in order to forward my advocacies for social equality, climate justice and political awareness. 

Currently, I am a leader and mentor in Climate Reality PH, hosting projects and participating in activities that support or advocate for climate justice. I am also a member of Philippine Medical Students Association as I am also studying medicine in my 2nd year of BS-MD program. With or without my platforms, I still am dedicated to continue doing my best for the people I am already serving and for the society I have yet to serve.

Quote:  "I aspire to witness finalists who uphold the value of integrity and justice to their platforms such that they could be effective advocates of heartfelt service and positive systemic change"

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