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NGƯỚC International Facebook Fanpage

As such a sacred and magical meaning of “Home”, on the occasion of Vietnam Family Day on June 28th, NGUOC officially presented the Challenge: "HOME SWEET HOME" - "EAST OR WEST, HOME IS BEST" to everybody! This Challenge was born with the desire to help each person have moments of reminiscence, refle

Registration is Closed
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Time & Location

1:00 28 thg 6, 2021 – 23:59 31 thg 7, 2021

NGƯỚC International Facebook Fanpage

About the Event

Awards for those participating in the Challenge:

1. All valid contestants will have the opportunity to receive certificates from NGƯỚCxAmerican Center, US Embassy in Hanoi.

2. The top 5 best contestants will receive certificates with souvenirs of socks and stickers from NGƯỚC.

3. A chance to look back on your journey of maturity and find back with memorable moments with loved ones to work harder in the future.

Time for you to start participating and completing the challenge: From 28.06.2021 to 31.07.2021

1.You start doing the challenge around this time

2.The deadline for you to complete the entire challenge and fill out the form is 23h59' on 31.07.2021

3. You need to take 7 challenges on 7 different days

4. NGUOC encourage and prioritize young people to attend for 7 consecutive days for this series of challenges!

5. Young people who attend the challenge early will have the opportunity to receive higher rewards.

Rules for participating in the “HOME SWEET HOME” Challenge with NGUOC:

1. Like and follow NGUOC fanpage - Share the challenge launch post on your profile in public mode.

2. Tag at least 3 friends to join the Challenge in the “Comments” section of this post!

3. Complete 7 challenges in 7 days and share publicly on Stories or Facebook Posts (IG or FB)!

4. Remember to tag NGUOC fanpage or instagram @nguoc.youthlookup when you join to make your challenge valid!

5. Each post should include the hashtag #NGUOCYouthlookup #HSHChallenge !

6. After completing the challenge, please post an article /story expressing your thoughts, feelings and feedback for NGUOC about this Challenge and tag us!

7. Each time you share your moment, choose a song for the post/story. Make this Challenge your own radio, a healing radio for you and for your audience.

*Make a highlight or an album on FB and save your stories or challenge posts for us easy to follow!

After completing the challenge, please send back the photo album link / highlight stories link and fill in your personal information so that we can send you a certificate and reward at the google form link:

📌 Link event: TẠI ĐÂY

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